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Reporting Bugs

Please report any bugs you experience on the Boxstarter issues page. Please provide a copy of $env:localappdata\boxstarter\boxstarter.log. If the installation was run on a remote instance, the logs on both the remote computer and the computer from where the installation was run should be sent. The installation logs of any specific application causing problems is also helpful.

Discussing Features

General discussions regarding either upcoming or existing Boxstarter features can be discussed on the Community Chat.

Source Code

Boxstarter is fully Open Source licensed under the Apache 2 license. Source code can be viewed from GitHub, or one may prefer to clone the repository using git.

git clone

Contributions to Boxstarter in the form of pull requests are welcome! Documentation

The documentation site provides lots of information about the NuGet package specification and the NuGet command line tool used by Chocolatey.

Chocolatey Documentation

The Chocolatey documentation site provides complete documentation on all of its commands for both consuming and creating Chocolatey packages.

Community Blog Posts and Articles

Community Tools, Scripts and Code